Limelight Circus Beanie, photo by Sarah-Beth Photography

Chocolate Rose Cluster Beanie, photo by Erin Photography
I am so excited to turn a page in my business for 2011. I sort of accidentally created Twysted Yarn, so 2010 was a bit of an "oops" for my business. I didn't take the right steps to register my business for tax purposes and all that jazz, so I'm going to take quite a hit this tax season, but I had a few set goals for January 2011:
1. Revamp my Twysted Yarn website and add a shopping feature--check
2. Register my business and do everything correctly for taxes--check
3. Add new items--work in progress
4. Have items ready to ship--work in progress
It's so exciting to create new items and to work with wonderful photographers to capture beautiful images of them. Good photography truly sells my creations, and I am so fortunate to work with some wonderful photographers including Erin Photography and Sarah-Beth Photograpy amongst many others. Allow me to share with you some of the new items that I've added in the past few months and the pics that these incredible photographers have captured.

CranLime Stocking Hat, Photo by Erin Photography

Owlie Earflap Beanies, photo by Erin Photography